Winners of the National Level Competitions hosted on MyGov Platform

Dr. Kavya

Winner of National Poster Competition hosted on MyGov platform.

(MD Dravyaguna, Practitioner and Researcher from Bengaluru)

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Dr. Devanshi Maheshwari

Winner of National Short Video Competition hosted on MyGov platform.


(Final year BAMS student
Mahatma Gandhi Ayurvedic College Hospital and Research Centre,Sawangi , Wardha)

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National Level Essay Competition

Dr. Pavithra

Second year BSMS, Government Siddha Medical College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu.

Success Stories Students

Dr. Gayathri J


Message: “Nowadays opportunities are sufficient. Utilising it at right time makes one wise.”

Play Video

Dr Gayathri V K


Message: “PG STAR program give me confidence to do my study by giving financial aid and guidances,Otherwise I want to spend a huge amount for my research work.”

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Deva Vijayan Nambialil

PG-STAR ID: STAR/548/249

Message: “Thank you for this opportunity which helps us in gaining National level recognition in addition to the financial support.”

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Ankush Zope

PG-STAR ID: STAR/762/305

Message: “PG star is one of great work by CCRAS and Indian government by providing support to evidence based researches. Which will help to increase scope and intrest for upcoming researcher.”

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Sreelakshmi P R

PG-STAR ID: STAR/579/219

Message:I would like to admire the efforts of CCRAS for appreciating the research works of young doctors by providing scholarships.

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Dr.Ambika Vasantakumar

Awarded CCRAS-Post Doctoral Fellow

Message:I Dr.Ambika Vasantakumar,i am working as Post Doctoral Fellow,(CCRAS,PDF Scheme, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India),at Dept of Botany Gulbarga University,Kalaburagi,Karnataka

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Dr. Divya Deepak Patil

Post Doctoral Fellow

Message:”Having a deep interest in research, I’ve always dreamed of working at CCRAS. Grateful to receive the award of Post Doctoral Fellowship, which is fueling the researcher inside me.

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Dr Prakruthi T S

PG-STAR ID: STAR/360/160

Message:”On this special occasion of 8th Ayurveda Day, I would like to express my gratitude to CCRAS for giving me the chance to take part in the PG star program. Thank you.”

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Dr. Pradnya Vinay Halde, Asmita Suresh Mahind & Sakshi Rakesh Shinde

SPARK ID: SPARK/7846/441,7847/269 &2463/424

Message:”Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. Thank you for this SPARK-ling opportunity.”

Play Video

Dr. Muhammed Yaseen

SPARK ID: SPARK/7746/533

Message:” Participating in the CCRAS SPARK program enriched my U.G experience, enabling deeper exploration of Ayurvedic research methodologies and treatment. Thank you, CCRAS, for All assistance.”

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Dr. Arya T

PG-STAR ID: STAR/543/123

Message:” I’m absolutely thrilled and deeply honored to have been chosen for the P.G. Star Program. I am immensely grateful to CCRAS and Ayush for their invaluable support.”

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Dr. Riya Garg

SPARK ID: SPARK/8030/491

Message:”It’s the confidence in ourselves and OPPORTUNITIES like this that bring new light to the whole scientific community. Ayurveda is science and it’s getting more Evidence-based.”

Play Video

Dr. Akshaya JB

Message:”Spark gave me reasons to come out of my comfort zone. I hope more and more students will grab this golden opportunity to set one firm step in the World of Research in Ayurveda.”

Play Video

Dr. Parv gaur

SPARK ID: SPARK/2369/151

Message:”Sharing of experience on SPARK via video clip on the occasion of 8th Ayurveda Day celebration”

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Dr. Shreya Kothavale

PG-STAR ID: STAR/629/322

Message:”I am obliged to CCRAS for selecting my thesis topic for PG Star as their support is valuable and its essential for collaborative efforts to advance the field of Ayurveda. “

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Dr. Neha Chauhan

PG-STAR ID: STAR/118/213

Message:”I am thankful for selecting my thesis under CCRAS PG Star Scheme for providing funding as it is crucial for conducting Research. “

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Dr. Madhuri Raju Yawalkar

PG-STAR ID: STAR/928/387

Message:”The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness however small is ever wasted “

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Mr. Aneesh

Message:”I would like to thank my Mentors, my Parents and CCRAS for giving me a chance and I’m happy to be certified with a “Very Good” grade for my research.”

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Dr. Arundhathi Prasad

PG-STAR ID: STAR/617/144

Message:”If Ayurveda can truly enhance the quality of life then what about implementation of a vivid research aptitude in its principles ?”

Play Video



Message: “Ayurveda teaches us to cherish our innate-nature, to love and nourish it, for true health and happiness.” Many thanks to CCRAS for this wonderful opportunity.

Play Video about Dr. ABHISHEK MAVALE

Vd. Krutika chaudhari

PG-STAR ID: STAR/689/388

Message: Everyone should focused on getting Deep inside the hidden strength of AYURVED. As You Explore more, You will Live more..

Vd. Krutika chaudhari
Play Video about Vd. Krutika chaudhari

Mr. Ninad

PG-STAR ID: STAR/284/271

Message: आयुर्वेदोऽमृतानां Ayurveda, the science of life is as relevant in today’s context as it was in the past. We have to bring it into mainstream by promoting evidence based research..”

Mr. Ninad
Play Video about Mr. Ninad

Ms. Deepasha Songara


Message: It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.”

Ms.Deepasha Songara
Play Video about Ms.Deepasha Songara

Ms. Ashwini Basavaraj Kochari

SPARK ID: 495836219315

Message: I Ms. Ashwini Basavaraj Kochari 3 Year professional BAMS student Studying in S.N.V.V.S’s S.G.V. AYURVEDIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTER, BAILHONGAL.My sincere thanks and regards to everyone at CCRAS.

Ms. Ashwini Basavaraj Kochari
Play Video about Ms. Ashwini Basavaraj Kochari

Mr. Anumit Kar

SPARK ID: 3065/89

Message: The CCRAS has taken a great initiative to provide the opportunity to take up the research projects under the guidance of a teacher at the undergraduate level.

Anumit Kar
Play Video about Anumit Kar

Dr Reeya Gamne


Message:“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.”

Play Video

Mr. Meet Sorathia

SPARK ID: SPARK/1208/119

Message: Expressing heartfelt gratitude to the CCRAS- SPARK Program not just for the project’s success but for the growth it brought within me.

Play Video


PG-STAR ID: STAR/643/154

Message: PG STAR is a unique scheme started by CCRAS for Ayurved research scholars to improve their skills and to contribute to evidence based Ayurvedic journey.

Play Video about Satish


PG-STAR ID: STAR/537/185

Message: Those who think beyond human limitation are the one who changed the world. Just be passionately limitless in making your dream come true.

Play Video

Saniya C K

Message:I am a beneficiary of the CCRAS Ayush-net Fellowship Program. I joined this PhD fellowship in April 2019 and successfully completed my PhD degree in December 2022.

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Dr.Harsha Haridas

PG-STAR ID: STAR/108/183

Message: If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you..

Play Video



Message: It’s a great and thrilling experience throughout the SPARK project for CCRAS.

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The practise of Ayurveda is not limited to medical care; it also teaches us how to live in harmony with nature, enjoy each day, and maintain everyone's health.


PG-STAR ID- STAR/627/135

CCRAS has taken a very good initiative by starting this fellowship programme. I am greatful to CCRAS for giving me the opportunuty to do PhD from the premier National Institute.

Dr. Manjula


I am thankful to God, my Guide & ccras that I was selected in PG Star. Pg star scheme is a great innovation of ccras in tha field of research.This will help many scholars.

Dr. Rajnika

PG-STAR ID- STAR/844/239

I express profound gratitude to the Ministry of Ayush for the CCRAS PDF fellowship. Your support empowers scholars and benefits society immensely. Thank you sincerely.

Dr. Wasupalli Geeta Kumari

CCRAS_Post Doctoral Fellow

 I am grateful for the incredible opportunity, invaluable support and resources provided by CCRAS to pursue Ph. D. at NIA, Jaipur through AYUSH Ph.D. fellowship program.

Dr. Meghna

AYUSH-NET Ph.D. Fellowship

It is a great inspiration to be selected in pg star. Ayurveda is a complete package and research is the only way that people start accepting it at a global level scientifically.

Dr. Tanvi Gusain


Dr. Sharmistha Ganguly

I am thankful to CCRAS for awarding me this prestigious award of CCRAS-PDF. It gives a researcher immense support when they get recognition in the scientific community. Hail CCRAS

Dr. Sharmistha Ganguly

CCRAS- Post Doctoral Fellow


I want to express my sincere gratitude to you for choosing me as a recipient of this Scholarship. I am deeply appreciative of your support to do my research with more dedication.

Ms. Renuka


Dr. Pooja Gaur

In our prior Ph.D. research, we explored Piper longum an Ayurvedic plant, and its chemical constituents for their potential to inhibit pancreatic lipase in obesity management.

Dr. Pooja Gaur


ArunKumar SPARK

||ॐ धनवंतराय नमः|| नमस्ते भारत, यह अनुसंधान मेरे शैक्षणिक गतिविधियों में नया आयाम दिया, इससे मुझे आर्युवेद ज्ञान, वैज्ञानिक प्रक्रियाओं एवं तकनीकी कौशल में वृद्धि हुई। धन्यवाद!



Awarded CCRAS-PDF: My name is Dr.Dharmar Manimaran. I am working as Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF - funded by CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India), at Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Namakkal-637 002, Tamil Nadu

Dr. Dharmar Manimaran

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